二分搜索算法 | JAVA

二分搜索(Binary Search)是一种在有序数组中查找特定元素的搜索算法。 搜索过程从数组的中间元素开始,如果中间元素正好是目标值,则搜索结束; 如果目标值大于……



新手与专家思维区别 》》从总体出发 Stage 1: Novice 特点 Novices don’t particularly want to learn; they just want to accomplish an immediate goal. They do not know how to respond to mistakes and so are fairly vulnerable to confusion when things go awry. Stage 2: Improved Beginner Stage 3: Competent Stage 4: Proficient Stage 5: Expert Software isn’t designed in……



Programming is all about problem solving. It requires creativity, ingenuity, and invention. Regardless of your profession, you probably also have to solve problems creatively. However, for programmers, combining rich, flexible human thought with the rigid constraints of a digital computer exposes the power and the deepest flaws of both. translate to chinese 编程就是解决问题。需要创意, 独创性和发明。无论您的职业是……


图片增加水印 | JAVA

使用Thumbnails包对图片添加水印效果 Thumbnails are ideally implemented on web pages as separate, smaller copies of the original image, in part because one purpose of a thumbnail image on a web page is to reduce bandwidth and download time. 。。。 Thumbnail@wiki 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19……


java列表平均分割 | JAVA

问题描述 1 2 oracle id in(a,b,c) 语句如果选项长度超过了1000会引起jdbc异常,错误如下 1 ERROR [net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter:58] ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 解决方法 将获取id数组的地方用java平均拆分成小于100……


elisp结构Association List | elisp类型

Association List (aka alist) is a value type in Emacs Lisp. Association List is a List , where each element is a Cons Pair , like this (cons key val) In each cons pair, the key and value can be any value type. Items in Association List can have duplicate keys, and order is maintained. 创建 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Tip: dot notation for cons when creating a association list, For example……


elisp数据结构vector | elisp类型

Emacs-lisp vector数据类型是一个有序的值序列,具有固定数量的元素。它实现了数组数据结构。 vector是一个有序的值序列。 任何元素都可以是任何类型、混合的。 元素的值可……


elisp数据结构hash | elisp类型

hash在高级语言中有普遍的实现,elisp也不例外。 hash创建 hash读取 hash写入 hash遍历 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ;; 创建 (setq xx(make-hash-table :test 'equal))……



问题描述 在使用org 加 hugo 写博客时,一个换行最后生成html时是会变成空格 解决方案 在行结束处加两个 `\\` 换行 使用两个换行符号 列如下边……



简介 org是emacs内置核心功能,用于笔记、计划任务、规划、项目,并可以导出多种 文件格式,比如Html,pdf, image 。=> org Mode for Emacs 以下是官网介绍 org模式……
